Whatsapp has introduced some new text formatting options on their platform which will help you send messages more effectively. These formats are usually Bold, Italic, Strikethrough and Monospace. Let’s know about them (How to Send Formatted WhatsApp Messages) –
Table of Contents
How to add bullet points to WhatsApp messages?
- Step 1: Open the WhatsApp chat
- Step 2: Go to the Text field of the keyboard and tap on the (-) hyphen symbol and enter space. You will see bullet marks appear.
- Step 3: Type something and press Enter, you will see bullet marks appear on the next line.
- If you press Enter without writing anything, the bullet symbol will disappear and the list will end.

How to add number list to WhatsApp message?
- Step 1: Open the WhatsApp chat.
- Step 2: Tap on the text box and enter one or two digit number from the keyboard and . Enter (dot). Follow a space or spaces.
- Step 3: Write something and press Enter, you will see the number displayed on the next line.
- If you press Enter without writing anything, the number will move and the list will end.

How to Add Block Quotes to WhatsApp Messages?
- Step 1: Open the WhatsApp chat and tap on the text field on the keyboard.
- Step 2: Tap the (>) symbol from the keyboard and enter space.
- Step 3: Enter something and you will see Block Quote appear. If you tap Enter it will exit the Block Quote.
- Step 4: Tap on the green arrow to send.

How to Add Inline Code to WhatsApp Message?
- Step 1: Open the WhatsApp chat and open the chat of the person or group to whom you want to send the Inline Code.
- Step 2: Type in the text box of WhatsApp and end the text with ( ` ) symbols before and after the text.
- Tapping the backspace/delete button on the keyboard will break the inline code effect. To keep the text in Inline Code format, retype the symbol again.

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Other Formatted WhatsApp Messages in WhatsApp:
How do you bold a text?
You can make text bold by placing (*) before and after it. Example:
This is bold message
How do you italicize a text?
You can italicize text by placing a ( _ ) sign before and after it. Example:
This is italics message
How do you strikethrough a text?
Text can be crossed out by placing (~) symbols before and after the text. Example: 5000/-
How do you monospace a text?
If you want to type text in fixed-width format, use the ( ` ) symbols before and after the text. Example:
Hello WhatsApp